Vietnam Embassy in Montserrat

Vietnam Embassy in Montserrat

Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Montserrat ?

We are sorry to announce that there is no embassy or consulate of Vietnam in Montserrat. You are suggested to contact the nearest Vietnam Embassies in your neighbouring countries.

We are pleased to inform that we will update the newest contact information of the embassy of Vietnam in Monsterrat for your reference. Besides, we would be grateful so much if you could let us know immediately when you hear any further news.


Native Name: Montserrat


Dependent from: Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Capital: Brades

Settlements : Brades (Brades Estate), Davy Hill (Sweeney's), Gerald's, Little Bay, Lookout, Old Towne, Olveston, Plymouth, Salem, St. John's, St. Peter's, Woodlands.

Please click here for Vietnam visa inquiry.