Are you looking for location of Vietnam embassy in Azerbaijan ?
We are sorry to inform you that we can’t find any information about the Vietnam Embassy or Vietnam Consulate in Azerbaijan because there is currently no Vietnam Embassy/Consulate in this country.
You may be surprised to hear that we work day and night to update information to our website, so, as soon as there is a Vietnam Embassy/Consulate established in Azerbaijan, you can immediately know their contact information by checking in our website for the latest news.
Complete Name: Republic of Azerbaijan
Native Name: Azərbaycan
Capital: Bakı
Principal Cities : Bakı [Baku], Gəncə (Kirovabad), Sumqayit (Sumgait), Mingəçevir, Xırdalan, Qaraçuxur, Şirvan (Əli Bayramlı), Naxçıvan, Bakıxanov (Stepan Razin), Şeki (Nucha)
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